Book Reviews

Leading integrative doctors rave about Linda Freud and The Healing Gift:


“David Freud makes a compelling case as he demonstrates that his wife Linda’s ability to channel incredibly accurate medical information often results in extraordinary healing. This may be the long awaited breakthrough in consciousness so urgently needed in a world gone mad. What emerges is a unique integration of science, holistic medicine, and ancient spiritual knowledge involving angels and Kabbalah into a new unified approach for healing chronic disease and optimizing wellness. As her dramatic case histories presented here show, Linda Freud is far beyond the level of any medical intuitive that I am aware of. I highly recommend The Healing Gift as a paradigm breakthrough in holistic healing.”


 –Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H), D.D. Diplomat of American Board of Integrative Holistic Health, Diplomat of Ayurveda,                            Director of The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, and author of There is a Cure for Diabetes, Conscious Eating, and Spiritual Nutrition.


“Linda has made a major contribution to the science of detoxifying mercury, a root cause of much chronic degenerative disease. I find her level of diagnostic accuracy and attention to detail in the healing process to be astonishing. Linda is blessed with a prodigious gift of healing.”


–Dietrich Klinghardt MD, is the founder and medical director of the Sophia Health Institute in Woodinville, Washington. He also conducts medical seminars for doctors at the Klinghardt Academy ( In 2007, Dr. Klinghardt received the Physician of the Year award from the Global Foundation of Integrative Medicine.


“After undergoing a battery of expensive physical and energetic tests performed by a leading German doctor several years ago, I saw Linda Freud who without any previous knowledge of my test results proceeded to not only duplicate the results of my medical tests, but took the entire process even further to provide me with val-able medical information. I have done my due diligence and am astonished at the accuracy of her healing gift.”


-Burton Goldberg, ( author/editor of many books including Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide and the creator of DVDs on the latest advances in curing depression, addiction, stem cells, and cancer.


“Linda’s expertise in healing chronic degenerative conditions stems from her extraordinary ability to identify and detoxify environmental toxins and pathogens that are difficult to detect through traditional lab testing. In The Healing Gift, David Freud provides stunning testimonials of healing that defy conventional logic and reveal his wife to be a gifted and knowledgeable healer.”


–Elson M. Haas, M.D., ( Medical Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, California and author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition.


“Linda Freud, with whom I have worked together for several years, adds an important therapeutic dimension to the emotional and spiritual healing of chronically ill patients. My clinical experience has shown that the severity of the disease state is often matched by the severity of negative emotions and spiritual imbalances. Linda has made a major contribution in treating negative emotions, removing earthbound spirits, and identifying past life issues that may exacerbate chronic illness. While the origin and nature of her channeling gift may be highly mystical, the healing that ensues is completely results oriented. She is a true original.”


–Dr. Thomas Rau, M.D., Chief Medical Director of the Paracelsus Klinik in Lustmuhle and al Ronc, Switzerland (, founder of the Biological Medical Network in Europe and America (, and author of The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health: Dr.Rau’s Diet for Whole Body Healing.


“Linda’s ability to detect and treat environmental toxicity that is the root cause of so many “undiagnosable” chronic conditions is unique. Her amazing gift coupled with a deep understanding of natural healing modalities allows her to achieve incredible results even in complicated cases.”


–Uzzi Reiss, M.D., Director of the Beverly Hills Anti-Aging Center for Men and Women and author of Natural Hormone Balance for Women and The Natural Superwoman.


“In the nearly ten years I have known Linda and David Freud, I have watched with awe and amazement as Linda is able, through her intuitive gifts, to reveal the most precise detail of information regarding health conditions— matching or surpassing any health practitioner that I am aware of. I am confident that The Healing Gift will catapult Linda into becoming an internationally acclaimed personality.”


–Hyla Cass, M.D. practices integrative medicine and psychiatry in Pacific Palisades, California.


She is one of the country’s foremost authors on integrative medicine and a regular featured guest on national television. Her recent books include Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition and 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health.


“Linda Freud is simply amazing at what she does. Though lacking a formal medical degree, I’ve never seen someone who is so accurate and complete with her medical diagnosis and recommendations. In addition to being warm, compassionate and caring, she is consistently as precise and on the mark with her diagnoses as if she had performed a battery of laboratory tests and diagnostic images. In fact, she derives information that goes far beyond the one-dimensional nature of what certain traditional lab tests are capable of doing.”


–Dr. Vernon Erwin DDS, a founding member of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.


“I am convinced that Linda Freud’s claim of channelling angels and spirits is authentic. In addition to her providing valuable and accurate information on my health, I have witnessed her shake when she receives medical and spiritual information from the angelic realms. The shaking phenomenon is a trait consistent with what is described by rabbinic and kabbalistic authorities as a key attribute of the Hebrew prophets. Clearly, something extraordinary is going on here.”


–Dr. Thom Lobe M.D., Pediatric Surgeon and Holistic Medicine.


“Linda Freud stands apart from other medical intuitives in terms of results, the thoroughness, the completeness of what she can accomplish.”


–Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson (, a leading rabbinic scholar n the Torah Codes and prolific author of over 30 books. His most recent books which are co-authored include Torah Codes: A Glimpse into the Infinite, The Holocaust and Torah Codes, and The Mayan Culture and Judaism.
